Partner n°21 : Research Centre for Computer and Law, of the Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix
Study of the Legal Issues related to the work of the project and contribution to the specifications, especially of the trust and security requirements of the ACGT biomedical GRID infrastructure.

Partner n°22 : University of Hamburg
Study of the Ethical Issues related to the project, contribution to harmonisation and standards in the domain, contribution to specification of the technical aspects related to ethical constraints and requirements.

Partner n°23 : Molecular Oncology Laboratories at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine
Clinical Trials in Breast Oncology.

Partner n°24 : Hokkaido University
Architecture and Standards, Development Biomedical Grid Technology Layer, Data Access , Knowledge Management.

Partner n°25 : European Institute of Oncology
Providing breast cancercases to included in the study, validating the Grig infrastructure technology.

The aims of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) are to develop, conduct, coordinate, and stimulate translational and clinical research in Europe to improve the management of cancer and related problems by increasing survival but also patient quality of life. Extensive and comprehensive research in this wide field is often beyond the means of individual European hospitals, and can best be accomplished through the multidisciplinary multinational efforts of basic scientists and clinicians.