Medinfo 2010
"13th International Congress on Medical Informatics"
12-15 September 2010, Cap Town, South Africa
Event published on: Monday May 10, 2010
Cape Town, South Africa will host the 13th International Congress on Medical Informatics from the 12 - 15 of September 2010. The Medinfo conference is the premier triennial international meeting for the medical informatics community. It brings together world leaders in this field to share knowledge and experiences. Medinfo 2010 is a unique opportunity to meet these leaders and to hear of, and contribute to, advances in biomedical and health informatics. The Medinfo conference is the official conference of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), a bridging organisation aiming at supporting stimulating high-quality translational communication, research, education, and practice in biomedical and health informatics. Medinfo 2010 is organised and coordinated by the South African Health Informatics Association. A number of governmental organisations, associations and businesses have agreed to be sponsors. The conference theme selected for Medinfo 2010 is a topic that most countries are currently addressing: Partnerships for effective eHealth solutions - Innovative collaborations promote solutions to health challenges.
For further details, please visit the conference website.
4th International Advanced Research Workshop on In Silico Oncology and Cancer Investigation
8-9 September 2010, Athens, Greece
Event published on: Monday May 10, 2010
The workshop is sponsored by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Information Society and Media, Virtual Physiological Human initiative through the ContraCancrum research project. It is also technically co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)- Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) and endorsed by the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE).
It is meant to be an excellent opportunity for both shaping and advancing the emerging scientific, technological and clinical discipline of in silico oncology.
Researchers working either in the area of in silico oncology or in the broader cancer research domain yet with an interest in computational oncology are invited to submit short papers.
Important Dates
- Paper submissions due [ EXTENDED (FINAL) DEADLINE ]: May 5, 2010
- Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2010
- Camera ready papers due: June 15, 2010
For further details, visit the conference website.
2010 NCI-NCRI Informatics Initiative Joint Conference
"Biomedical Informatics Without Borders: Implementing Interoperability"
21-22 June, 2010, Bethesda, MD
Event published on: Monday April 12, 2010
This June 21-22, leaders from the United States, the United Kingdom, and the international community will gather for a conference in Bethesda, Maryland, to discuss the ongoing development of interoperable information technology for biomedical and clinical research. Registration is now open and we encourage abstract submissions for poster presentations that will demonstrate the following:
- Interoperable biomedical informatics infrastructure and/or tools: Implementation experiences
- How to address biomedical challenges (for research and/or care) through interoperable infrastructure and/or tools
- Implementation of grid technologies and other information aggregation resources
- Approaches to data sharing, including case studies, challenges and strategies
- Personalized medicine and IT
- E-Health: how to harness data and technology to improve health care and clinical trials
- Cloud computing: implementation examples and experiences
- Global standards in biomedical research
Abstracts must be limited to 300 words or less. Registration and abstract submission guidelines are available here.
For further details, visit the conference website
Bio-IT World Conference & Expo'10,
20-22 April, 2010, Boston, MA, USA
Event published on: Wednesday February 3, 2010
Bio-IT World delivers a focused and progressive audience consisting of IT professionals, senior-level scientist’s and executives from major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies responsible for identifying and implementing the strategies and technologies that drive their business. Bio-IT World Conference & Expo is the only major event that focuses on the integration of technology for research, drug discovery and clinical trials. Participating as a sponsor provides your company with the opportunity to demonstrate your products and services to this targeted and otherwise hard to reach market. Seven concurrent tracks will be held from April 20 to April 22 in the World Trade Center, Boston:
IT Infrastrucrure - Hardware
- IT Infrastructure - Software
- Bioinformatics and Next-Gen Data
- Systems and Predictive Biology
- Chemoinformatics and Computer-aided Modeling
- eClinical Trials Technology
- eHealth Solutions
For further informations, visit the conference website:
Cancer Bioinformatics Workshop
Cambridge Research Institute, 2nd - 4th September 2010
Event published on: Wednesday February 3, 2010
Substantial amounts of data are being generated within cancer research. Datasets range from gene expression and microRNA array data through to next generation sequence data. Data interpretation draws on mathematical and computational skills and thus the subject has engaged the interest of researchers in areas such as machine learning, statistics, bioinformatics and computer science. The goal of this cross-disciplinary Workshop is therefore to bring together researchers from these disciplines and cancer researchers who have an interest in data analysis, to explore and present innovative approaches to this subject.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: Friday 30th April 2010
- Notification of Acceptance: Tuesday 1st June 2010
- Registration closes: Monday 2nd August 2010
- Workshop Date: 2nd-4th September 2010
For further details, visit the conference website:
Electronic Data in Clinical Trials
March 8-9, 2010, Philadelphia, PA
Event published on: Wednesday January 13, 2010
CHI’s Second Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials: Collecting and Leveraging Data to Optimize Clinical Trials will be held March 8-9, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Downtown in Philadelphia, PA. This year this gathering will be co-located with the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE), a four-day cluster of events taking place March 8-11, 2010. CHI’s Electronic Data in Clinical Trials will open with an inclusive short course on ‘Utilization of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data in Clinical Research’ and will be followed immediately by a one-day seminar eCTD 2010 co-hosted with Bio-IT World and eCliniqua. New technology is available and being created everyday to make the collection, correction, and assessment of data from clinical trials more efficient. The goal is to better integrate systems and data across departments and regions in order to optimize the speed and cost of trials and drug development. This conference is intended to cover the challenges related to which technologies and systems to use, measuring the ROI of technology investment, and how best to overcome the common problems with implementation.
For further informations visit the conference website.(
42th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology
October 21-24, 2010, Boston, USA
Event published on: Thuesday, December 8, 2009
SIOP is the major global organization focused on the issues of pediatric oncology, and its Annual Congress is recognized as the most relevant educational meeting for those involved in various fields of pediatric oncology. The meeting includes scientific symposia, internationally known keynote speakers, abstract presentations, poster sessions, and day-long state of the art program. Outcomes of major pediatric oncology clinical trials from around the world are also presented throughout the Congress. The theme of 2010 International Society of Paediatrics Oncology is “Promoting International Collaboration in Pediatric Oncology”.
Advances in NeuroBlastoma Research
June 21-24, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Event published on: Thuesday, December 8, 2009
ANR Meetings are held every two years. These meetings provide for an exchange of information among investigators studying neuroblastoma biology, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy. During ANR 2010 in Stockholm, scientists and physicians from all over the world will share their findings and experience for the progress of understanding and treatment of neuroblastoma.
Deadline for abstracts is February 15th, 2010
Cambridge Healthtech Institute's 17th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference 2010
February 3-5, 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA
Event published on: Monday, November 30, 2009
CHI's Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference event is unique in that it brings together the therapeutic and diagnostic aspects of the industry in one place. This gives your company a variety of sponsorship options to maximize its exposure among leading scientists and executives within your target audience as well as the opportunity to reach related audiences. The topics of interest are:
- Diagnostics Channel
- Chemistry Channel
- Informatics Channel
- Biologics Channel
- Cancer Channel
- Executive Channel
5th International Symposium 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
May 17-20, 2010, Espace Saint Martin, Paris, France
Event published on: Thuesday, October 6, 2009
This meeting presents new research ideas and results related to the capture, representation, compact storage, transmission, processing, editing, optimization and visualization of 3D data.
Paper submission deadline: December 16th 2009
5th International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation joint with the 10th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare
January 23-24, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona
Event published on: Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation (ISBMS) is a well-established scientific meeting that provides an international forum for researchers interested in using biomedical simulation technology for the improvement of patient care and patient safety. To celebrate its 5th edition, the symposium will be organized in conjunction with the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) ( Already in its 10th anniversary, IMSH is the premier simulation in healthcare meeting and largest single gathering of clinicians, educators, administrators and other simulation stakeholders. This unique link up aims to bring together simulation users with those involved in its scientific and technological developments.
"Pharmacogenomics: Paving the path to personalized medicine" symposium, 15-17 October 2009, Athens
Event published on: Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Symposium "Pharmacogenomics: Paving the path to personalized medicine" will be held in Athens, 15-17 October 2009. This GOLDEN HELIX Symposium is an international scientific meeting aiming to advance biomedical and life sciences by bringing together scientists within and across disciplines in the fields of human genomics and personalized medicine.
BIOSTEC 2010 Conference, 20-23 January, Valencia
Event published on: Tue, June 30, 2009
The third International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2010) will be held in Valencia, Spain, next year on January 20-23.
In cooperation with the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the Workflow Management Coallition (WfMC) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM SIGART), BIOSTEC brings together top researchers and practitioners in several areas of Biomedical Engineering, especially those related to Information and Communication Technologies. The three main topic areas of BIOSTEC have been defined as sub-conferences in the following way:
- Health Informatics
- Biomedical Electronics and Devices
- Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
- Bioinformatics
The regular paper submission deadline is scheduled for July 21, 2009.
4th BELIEF International Symposium - 16-17 July, São Paulo
Event published on: Wed, June 10, 2009
The 4th BELIEF International symposium will focus on “e-Infrastructures and Sustainability Development”. It will engage experts from the areas of eHealth, eEducation, and eScience in order to discuss and understand in deeper detail the current and future impact of e-Infrastructures in terms of societal and economic development. The participation is free of charge. For further information, please visit the Belief project website.
CRID European Summer University, July 6-8, Namur
Event published on: Wed, June 3, 2009
CRID organizes a European Summer University in Namur (Belgium) from July 6th to July 8th on "Technology and Health: Law and Ethics". The program can be seen there.
EGEE'09 Conference, September 21-25, 2009, Barcelona
Event published on: Fri, May 12, 2009
The EGEE conference will take place in september in Barcelona, Spain. You can visit the Conference website for further information.
CaBIG Annual meeting, July 20-22, 2009, Washington DC
Event published on: Fri, May 12, 2009
Attendees will hear how caBIG? is accelerating biomedical research through interoperable tools, infrastructure, standards, and policies that enable data-sharing and collaborations that transcend institutional, geographical, and disciplinary boundaries.
The meeting will feature:
- Case studies and best practices in clinical trials management, in vivo imaging, molecular analysis, tissue banking and pathology, and data-sharing and security
- Tips on implementing, adapting, and customizing caBIG? tools and infrastructure
- Presentations on caBIG?-enabled translational research projects in cancer and beyond
- Opportunities for future collaborations and partnerships
MICCAI 2009 (20th - 24th September 2009) Event published on: Mon, Jan 26, 2009
Computer Assisted Intervention, will be held from 20th to 24th September
2009 in London, UK. The venue for MICCAI 2009 is located at the main campus of
Imperial College London in South Kensington. It is situated in one of London's finest
locations, adjacent to landmarks such as The Royal Albert Hall and the
Science, Natural History and Victoria & Albert Museums, with Harrods and Hyde Park
just a short walk away.
Topics to be addressed in MICCAI 2009 include, but are not limited to:
- General Medical Image Computing
- Computer Assisted Interventional Systems and Robotics
- Visualisation and Interaction
- General Biological and Neuroscience Image Computing
- Computational Anatomy (statistics on anatomy)
- Computational Physiology (virtual organs)
- Innovative Clinical/Biological Applications and Surgical Procedures
Important Dates
- 19 January 2009: Tutorial and workshop proposals
- 16 February 2009: Acceptance of tutorials and workshops
- 8 March 2009: Submission of full papers
- 1 May 2009: Rebuttal of reviews
- 18 May 2009: Acceptance of papers
- 15 June 2009: Camera ready copy for papers
- 20-24 September 2009: Tutorials, Conference, Workshops
IEEE CBMS 2009, the 22 nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (3rd - 4th August 2009) Event published on: Fri, Mar 13, 2009
IEEE CBMS 2009 will be held on the premises of MCM Elegante Hotel located in the heart of Albuquerque, minutes away from all local attractions and downtown Albuquerque. The symposium will be co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (Technical Committee on Computational Medicine - TCCM) and the Texas Tech University (TTU) Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering and held in cooperation with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and ACM /SIGAPP.
In these trying economic times, we have tried very hard to hold the line on prices while offering a pleasant, high-quality conference. Our keynote speakers, Dr. Carl Jaffe and Dr. Vince Calhoun, will provide exciting personal insight into our field. CBMS2009 will provide a welcome reception Sunday night, and full meals and breaks through the close of the conference on Tuesday afternoon. The MCM Elegante is a nice yet reasonably priced facility. Air access into Albuquerque is quite good ? Southwest, American, United, Delta, Continental, US Air, and other carriers offer many daily flights.
Important Dates
- April 1, 2009 Submission of paper.
- May 25, 2009 Notification of acceptance for papers.
- June 21, 2009 Final camera-ready paper due.
- June 21, 2009 Pre-registration deadline.
- July 1, 2009 Hotel room reservations due.
HealthGrid 2009 (28th June - 1st July 2009) Event published on: Mon, Feb 2, 2009
HealthGrid 2009 will be held from 28th June to 1 July 2009 in Berlin. The HealthGrid conference is the premier conference on the transformation of biomedical research, education and medical care through the application of Grid technologies. HealthGrid is dedicated to:
- Enhancing biomedical research and healthcare delivery
- Creating an open collaborative virtual community
- Communicating the collective knowledge of the HealthGrid community
HealthGrid is an interdisciplinary community of computer scientists, physicians, medical educators and students, epidemiologists, bioinformatics and medical informatics experts, military medicine specialists, security and policy makers, economists and futurists.
The conference program will include a number of high-profile keynote presentations, complemented by a set of refereed papers, which will be selected through the present call for papers.
Workshop on challenges for the construction and deployment of grids in Healthcare, Shangai, China (18th - 21th May 2009) Event published on: Fri, Mar 13, 2009
This workshop aims at reserving room for discussion about the challenges for the construction and deployment of grids in Healthcare within CCGrid, offering a contact opportunity between healthgrid application developers and contributing to reduce the gap between the two communities. The workshop has the goals of obtaining an overview of on-going efforts in health-related grid applications; obtaining an overview of issues (technologies, achievements, gaps, roadblocks); and disseminating healthgrid requirements in the grid research community.
Contributions towards any of these goals are welcome to this workshop, and papers that go through the reviewing process will be published in the CCGrid proceedings.
15th UICC Reach to Recovery International Breast Cancer Support Conference (May 13-15, 2009), Brisbane, Australia Event published on: Mon, Jan 26, 2009
In May 2009, delegates from around the world will converge on Brisbane, Australia, for the 15th UICC Reach to Recovery International Breast Cancer Support Conference.
The conference will connect women from around the world to focus on supportive care for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Particular emphasis will be given to the key areas of survivorship, capacity building, and peer support. It will be the first truly global forum for women affected by breast cancer.
If you or your colleagues or friends have a special interest in breast cancer supportive care, then this conference is for you.
The conference theme is "One Journey, Many People". The dates are 13-15 May 2009.
Biomed Grid School 2009 (May 10-15, 2009), Varenna, Italy Event published on: Thu, Feb 12, 2009
This week long training is for biomedical research students, post-docs, and senior researchers with an interest in using or developing biomedical applications for distributed data integration and distributed computing environments.
This school helps biomedical developers:
- learn how to use new services and functionalities made available by gLite middleware releases
- implement applications on grid infrastructures (EGEE, EGEE related projects) using gLite
- build high level interfaces for data provision and management using web and grid services
- improve skills in Web services, workflow technology and grid services
- generate complex workflows for bioinformatics and system biology analysis
Important dates:
- Submission deadline 31 March 2009
- Notification of acceptance by 10 April 2009
- Payment of registration fee by 30 April 2009
- Biomed Grid School 10-15 May 2009
IMPAKT - Breast Cancer Conference (May 7-9, 2009), Brussels, Belgium Event published on: Mon, Jan 26, 2009
On behalf of the Breast International Group (BIG) and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), we are pleased to announce the IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference, where more than 600 specialists in breast cancer are expected.
IMPAKT is a new and unique Breast Cancer Conference. It focuses on IMProving cAre and Knowledge through Translational Research and targets an audience of scientific investigators in basic and clinical research who have a specific interest in molecular and translational research, new agents, molecular and functional diagnostic tools, biomarkers and cutting edge applications of research in the clinical setting.
The Conference is preceded by an attractive educational course for Young Oncologists who will need to be familiar with key molecular pathways that drive breast cancer biology.
IMPAKT is being launched by the Breast International Group and the European Society for Medical Oncology, in collaboration with the St. Gallen Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer Conference, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists, Europa Donna ? the European Breast Cancer Coalition (EBCC partners) and with the support of the European School of Oncology.
IMPAKT is more than just a breast cancer meeting. It represents a strong commitment by a growing and united European multidisciplinary breast cancer alliance to work together to keep pace with cutting edge advances in translational research and their relevance for making treatment decisions in daily practice.
The EU Clinical Trial Directive (Thursday, 09 April 2009), Online event Event published on: Tue, Mar 31, 2009
This Clinical trial training will focus on understanding the requirements of the new EU Clinical Trial Directive and the issues inherent in any new regulatory process.
This course focuses on understanding the requirements of the new EU Clinical Trial Directive and the issues inherent in any new regulatory process. The course covers all relevant topics associated with the Directive, the reasons behind its introduction and a review of methods for effective implementation.
Upon completion of this course you will have a thorough knowledge of the EU Clinical Trial Directive requirements. The Directive, which took effect in May 2004, has changed the way firms must deal with Clinical Trial regulations. The content of this course is designed to provide the attendee with the latest information regarding the interpretation and enforcement of these regulations.
Biomedica 2009 (April 1-2, 2009), Brussels, Belgium Event published on: Mon, February 23, 2009
On April 1 and 2, over 1,000 scientists, academics and professionals will gather at the Palais des Congr?s in Li?ge, Belgium, for Biomedica 2009, one of the most important international life sciences summit.
Biomedica is organized by life sciences educational and promotional structures in the Meuse-Rhine Euregio (covering Li?ge, Aachen, Maastricht and Hasselt), a cross-border region with one of the greatest number of R&D and biotechnological companies in Europe.
The Conference is preceded by an attractive educational course for Young Oncologists who will need to be familiar with key molecular pathways that drive breast cancer biology.
After Aachen in 2007 and Maastricht in 2008, Li?ge will play host to the third edition of Biomedica in 2009, organized principally by BioLi?ge (University of Li?ge, Belgium) with the collaboration of its partners LifeTecAachen-J?lich, LifetecZONe Nederland and
The summit agenda includes top-level scientific papers, a job fair, elevator pitches, one-on-one matchmaking sessions, a ?Bioforum? scientific poster contest and exhibitors representing the four regions.
The themes of Biomedica 2009 are biomaterials and biopolymers, molecular medicine and imaging, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, and medical devices.
4th Imaging in Pre-Clinical & Clinical Drug Development Conference (March 16-17, 2009) Event published on: Mon, Jan 26, 2009
Biomedical imaging is poised to play an increasingly powerful role in enhancing the efficiency of the drug discovery and development process. Multiple modalities, including optical imaging, ultrasound, nuclear imaging, x-ray computed tomography, and the many flavors of magnetic resonance imaging are all being integrated ever more fundamentally in the various phases of drug discovery and development.
The Imaging in Pre-Clinical & Clinical Drug Development Conference ( covers novel imaging methods and technologies, imaging in drug development and therapy, and imaging applications in CNS, oncology, and cardiovascular diseases. Experts from major pharmaceutical companies such as Schering-Plough, Roche, Amgen, BMS, NIH and UCSF will present on case studies and data from clinical trials.
Sign up by January 16 for a 20% discount.
Submit your Abstract by February 16, 2009 for a chance to give an oral presentation in front of your colleagues and peers.
NanomMed 2009: 6th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology (March 4 -6, 2009),Charit? - Great Lecture Hall; Berlin, Germany Event published on: Mon, Jan 26, 2009
Medical and healthcare applications are possibly the fastest growing branch of nanotechnology. Nearly o?n a daily basis new groundbreaking results from basic research are reported. Many nanomedical concepts have entered into the phase of clinical studies, and the first nanotechnology-based medical products have been approved by the regulatory authorities.
Experts from all over the world will gather for the 6th NanoMed conference in Berlin to discuss the state of the art in biomedical applications of nanotechnology. The NanoMed conference series started in 1999 and has developed into o?ne of the European lead events in this field.
The event is organized by the leading German networks in chemical nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology, cc-NanoChem e. V. and NanoBioNet e. V.
EGEE 4th User Forum/OGF25 & OGF-Europe's 2nd International Event (March 2-6, 2009), Catania, Sicily, Italy Event published on: Mon, Jan 26, 2009
EGEE, OGF & OGF-Europe are spearheading efforts to connect developers, users and newcomers to distributed computing for the benefit of business and research, now and in the future. The EGEE User Forum / OGF25 & OGF-Europe's 2nd International Event will catalyse people from diverse sectors to drive forward the evolution of distributed computing and open standards for the knowledge-based economy.
This premier event in Europe will help strengthen existing business and research communities and foster new relationships and collaborative developments on a European and global level. Special emphasis will be placed on showcasing high-level technological developments, identifying best practices, evaluating user requirements and deliberating top priorities moving forward.
EGEE User Forum / OGF25 & OGF-Europe's 2nd International Event is a multi-faceted event featuring keynote talks delivered by high-profile experts from business, government and research, and a series of parallel and joint sessions focusing on specific sectors and technologies.
GTCbio's 6th Cancer Drugs R&D Conference (February 19-20, 2009) Event published on: Mon, Jan 26, 2009
We invite you to attend GTCbio's 6th Cancer Drugs R&D Conference ( on February 19-20, 2009 in Philadelphia, PA. The role of cancer therapies today is evolving and is no longer just about tackling the disease with chemotherapy and radiation. It is about comprehending how cancer functions at the cellular level, then making drugs to target only the molecules causing the problem.
The 2009 conference features leading researchers in cancer drug development focusing on different discovery strategies to identify novel cancer targets, new emerging compounds and innovative combination therapies. This conference will also highlight some of the challenges and success of modern cancer drugs as well as provide an update on cancer drugs in clinical trials.
Early registration deadline: 20% discount by Dec 19.
Abstract deadline: Jan 19, 2009.
Oncology Biomarkers (January 19-20, 2009) Event published on: Wed, Dec 17, 2008
GTCbio's 2nd Oncology Biomarkers conference on January 19-20, 2008 in Miami, FL ( will provide an extensive look at new and innovative techniques for discovering and validating biomarkers. Challenges to biomarker validation will be examined in depth, including regulatory perspectives on development and qualification and reimbursement strategies, as will the clinical application of oncology biomarkers and enabling biomarkers in cancer drug development. Sign up now as space is limited!
ICT BIO - 2008 Event published on: Mon, Nov 3, 2008
The ICT BIO 2008 conference will be organised in Lyon, France, on 25-27 November 2008. Researchers, innovators, engineers, policy and business decision-makers in the field of digital technologies - ICT 2008 is for you. Special activities for young people and students - the ICT researchers of tomorrow - are also planned around the Event. Don't miss this key event for shaping policy and research options for Europe's industrial and technological future.
ICT BIO - 2008 Event published on: Wed, Oct 15, 2008
The ICT BIO 2008 conference will be organised in Brussels, Belgium, on 23-24 October 2008. ACGT will be participating to the conference, and in particular to the VPH Concertation Day organised on 22 October 2008. On this occasion most EC running VPH initiatives will be gathered to brainstorm and define the future orientations of research in the field.

ACGT is pleased to announce its participation at the International Union against Cancer (UICC) World Cancer Congress "Towards True Cancer Control" from 27 to 31 August 2008. Some ACGT partners will introduce our project and work's progress in a stand.

ACGT is pleased to announce its participation at the 6th European Breast Cancer Conference with a dedicated session on 15 Apr 2008, 12:00 - 17:00 in Hall 4/5