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Welcome to the ACGT web site
ACGT wants to apply the new technologies developed today and available tomorrow to facilitate the seamless and secure access and analysis, of multi-level clinico-genomic data enriched with high-performing knowledge discovery operations and services. The research in this sector wants to combine post-genomics research, clinical trials and advances from high-performance computing and informatics providing the medical and scientific community with new insights, answers and capabilities.
Regarding the ACGT project, the goal of the research is to identify rapidly indivisualised molecular profiles correlated with sensitivity or resistance to therapy. Moreover, the project long term vision is to enable the creation of self sustained European voluntary network of Clinical research Organisations on cancer linked by a powerful Biomedical GRID infrastructure to make possible their effective and efficient collaboration, joint work and resource sharing on the principles of open source and open access.
Biomedical research is a collaborative science, in which multidisciplinary teams join skills as well as resources and set up virtual organisations. Therefore is ACGT linked to national and international research activities and the clinical trials include: TransBIG, caBIG; PrognoChip, University of Saarland but also the ERCIM Working Group on Biomedical Informatics.
In other words, research takes a great part of ACGT activities, as the project wants to do investments in technological means like in biomedical GRID and the development of the oncosimulator (in silico oncology). Thanks to computing resources, it offers to the project great technological advances and these will make possible the individualised healthcare.