Life in ACGT: GenOuest bioinformatics platform sixth workshop
OUEST-genopole is a research network established between national institutions (AFSSA, CNRS, Ifremer, INRA, INRIA, Inserm) and Western universities, hospitals and engineering schools. The goal of OUEST-genopole is to support research in genomics and post-genomics and help create new biotech companies. This support can be achieved by technological platforms: sequencing, proteomic, transcriptomic and bioinformatics.
GenOuest is one of OUEST-genopole's platforms and provides computing infrastructure, support, expertise and development in bioinformatics for the community. The sixth edition of its workshop took place at the INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique research centre on Oct 21st, 2008. The workshop's central theme was "Bioinformatics and Cancerology". More than 60 attendees have assisted to the different talks given by 10 lecturers coming from different french institutions (CNRS, Inserm) or fundations ("Ligue contre le Cancer"). The talks covered different aspects ranging from the transcriptomics analysis of glioblastoma to the study of chromosomic rearrangement in the Ewing tumour, including also the presentation of projects like the European ACGT Project.
OUEST-genopole Homepage:
GenOuest Homepage:
Julien Jacques