ACGT people: Georgios STAMATAKOS
- Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens
- Laboratory of Microwaves and Fibre Optics, In Silico Oncology Group
- Research Associate Professor
- Greece
Georgios S.Stamatakos received the Diploma degree in electrical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece, in 1987, the MSc degree in bioengineering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in physics (biophysics) from NTUA in 1997. In 1999 he completed a post doctoral fellowship research project on medical technology in NTUA. In 1989 and 1990 he was with the Hellenic Army General Staff, Medical Corps Directorate. Between 1991 and 1997 he was employed as teaching assistant in the Physics Department, NTUA. Since 1997 he has been a Researcher at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE), NTUA, where he is holding the position of Research Associate Professor in the field of "Analysis and Simulation of Biological Systems and their Interaction with Electromagnetic Radiation". He is the Leader of the In Silico Oncology Group, ICCS-NTUA. He has given several teaching lectures in NTUA. His research interests include multiscale cancer modelling, patient individualized cancer treatment optimization, in silico oncology (being his primary field of activity), bioinformatics, electromagnetic propagation and scattering, bioelectromagnetics, radiation safety and biooptics. G. Stamatakos has published over 80 papers in international journals, conference proceedings and books. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Center for the Development of a Virtual Tumor (CViT) supported by the US NIH-National Cancer Institute through the Integrative Cancer Biology Program (CA113004). He is the leader of the action "Technologies and Tools for In Silico Oncology" of the European Commision (EC) funded integrated project "ACGT: Advancing Clinicogenomic Trials on Cancer (FP6-2005-IST-026996)". He is also the leader of the actions "Simulation at the cellular and higher levels of biocomplexity" and "Integration of the Simulation System" of the EC funded specific targeted research project "ContraCancrum: Clinically Oriented Translational Cancer Multilevel Modelling (FP7-ICT-2007-2- 223979 )". He is participating in the EC funded Network of Excellence on the Virtual Physiological Human ( FP7-ICT-2007-2 NoE VPH)) through the European Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics Digital Patient Working Group. He has been involved as researcher/team leader in several other European Commission projects such as EUROMED/DGIII, CEPHOS/SMT etc. He has (co)organized several international conference events and has been an invited lecturer by many institutions worldwide. He is Associate Editor of Cancer Informatics. G. Stamatakos has been co-organizer of the International Advanced Research Workshops on In Silico Oncology and the 1st Transatlantic Workshop on Multiscale Cancer Modelling. The latter is co-funded by NCI and EC and will take place in Brussels, Belgium on Oct 23-24, 2008 within the framework of the European Commission ICT BIO event.
The website of his research group is:
Georgios S.Stamatakos