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Clinical Trials: General Information
Clinical trials are a very necessary, important and lengthy phase of the development of new medications. The main objective of clinical trials is to ensure the safety and effectiveness of new medications and for this reason they are the result of a long and careful research process.
All clinical trials have to be in compliance with a significant number of legal and ethical regulations. As a consequence, the treatment plan of a clinical trial will in general provide the best available therapy for a disease, ultimately leading to increased safety and quality of life for patients.
In addition to helping develop new medications, clinical trials also aim to answer important research questions helping increase existing medical knowledge and ultimately leading to better treatments for patients in the future.
Patients that participated in clinical trials in the past have helped increase the cure rates for patients of today. However, since there is always some risk involved, to participate in a clinical trial you must always give your informed consent.
There are a lot of web pages that provide information on clinical trials, however finding the ones with accurate, verified and helpful information can be a problem.
The following is a list of such sites we have selected and verified for you to pursue:
Link List:
National cancer Institute
NCI Clinical Trials Educational series
The NCI provide valuable cancer-related information of all kinds, for the general public, patients and health professionals. Lots of information about cancer and clinical trials in general and search functionality for clinical trials in the U.S. and worldwide can be found. Soci?t? Internationale d'Oncologie P?diatrique
The Webpage provides a listing of current running trials in childhood cancer in Europe. The page provides the name of the trial and the addresses of the trial centres and chairman of the trials.National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Net
The NCI provide valuable cancer-related information of all kinds, for the general public, patients and health professionals. Lot of information about cancer and clinical trials in general and search functionality for clinical trials in the U.S and worldwide can be found.Children Oncology Group
(COG) CureSearch
Webpage of the Children's Oncology Group (COG) in the United Sates providing detailed information about clinical trials especially in childhood cancer.World Health Organisation International Clinical Trials Registry Platform
The mission of the WHO Registry Platform is to ensure that a complete view of research is accessible to all those involved in health care decision making. This will improve research transparency and will ultimately strengthen the validity and value of the scientific evidence base.Current controlled Trials
Current controlled trials
Current Controlled Trials allows users to search, register and share information about randomised controlled trials. The International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number Register (ISRCTN) can be found here. The ISRCTN is a simple numeric system for the identification of randomised controlled clinical trials worldwide.Clinical trials Governmental
ClinicalTrials.gov provides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical research in human volunteers. ClinicalTrials.gov provides information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details. Trials in the US but also worldwide can be found.