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Societies, Associations, Unions relevant for childhood cancer
International Union against cancer
The "International Union Against Cancer" (UICC) is the only international non-governmental organization dedicated exclusively to the global control of cancer. Its vision is of a world where cancer is eliminated as a major life-threatening disease for future generations.Multinational Association of supportive care in cancer
Association build of healthcare professionals. Education and Information on supportive care for patients regardless their cancerOutlook -- Life beyond childhood cancer
The Outlook Web Site was developed in order to provide an innovative and unique resource that addresses the issues of childhood cancer survivors, provides information and support to families and professionals and to build a bridge of support between current patients and survivors.American Cancer Society
American cancer society
Information provided for Patients, Family, & Friends Survivors, Healthcare Professionals and volunteers.National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute coordinates the National Cancer Program, which conducts and supports research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs with respect to the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer, and the continuing care of cancer patients and the families of cancer patients.
Société Internationale d'Oncologie Pédiatrique
The "Société Internationale d'Oncologie Pédiatrique" is the major global organisation concerned with the issues of children and young people who have cancer. For the past 35 years it has brought together doctors of many different disciplines to develop better care for this disease.Union of National Europe an Paediatric Societies and Associations
General Healthcare organisation with the aim to encourage cooperation between national paediatric societies in their task to promote child health, to stimulate research and collaborate with the International Paediatric Society
(IPA)Europe an Society for Paediatric Haematology and Immunology
It is the society's purpose to foster scientific research in the field of pediatric hematology and immunology, and to promote the exchange of views and information among scientific researchers in this field, with particular emphasis on the contributions of young scientists.
United Kingdom
Children Cancer and Leukaemia group
The CCLG is a national professional body responsible for the organisation of the treatment and management of children with cancer in the UK. The Group's main remit is the coordination of national and international clinical trials, including biological studiesChildhood Cancer research group
Homepage of the childhood cancer research group that is responsible for the national cancer registry in the UK. It fulfils the basic public health functions of a cancer registry through description and analyses of trends and distributions of cancer incidence, mortality and survival, and to distribute NRCT data to potential users
Société française de pédiatrie
The "Société Française de pédiatrie" provides a platform for physicians, patients and parents in France. It offers information and links regarding childhood cancer. Website is in French Language available only.
Gesellschaft fur Padiatrische Onkologie und Hamatologie
The German organisation has the objective to optimize therapy, secure quality management in treatment and diagnosis. There are useful information on different kinds of cancer and treatment.Deutsches Kinderkrebsregister
The German Childhood Cancer Registry is the largest childhood cancer registry worldwide.Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft
The "Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft e.V." is the biggest respective organisation for oncology in Germany which deals with all types of tumours -- adult and childhood. Main topics of engagement are prevention, early diagnosis and research.
Irish Cancer Society
Irish Cancer Society
The Irish Cancer Society is the national charity dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives from cancer and improving the quality of life of those living with cancer through patient care, research and education.
- Federazione Italiana Associazioni Genitori Oncoematologia Pediatrica
Homepage of the italian childrens cancer organisation. Website available in Italian Language only.
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneesungskunde
NVKAims of the NVK are quality control, education, care of needs and interests of patients and relatives and scientific research in childhood cancer.
Foundation of children with Leukaemia
LOSEV is a non-profit NGO, mainly aiming to provide educational and emotional supports, financial assistance and health services for the children who have Leukaemia or chronic blood disorders, to help them cope with their illness that threatens their life.
United States of America
Children's oncology group
America's most important children's oncology organisation. The aim is to cure and prevent childhood and adolescent cancer through scientific discovery and compassionated care.Cure for kids
Cure 4 kids
Cure4Kids is a Web site dedicated to medical education for physicians, nurses, scientists and health care workers who treat children with catastrophic diseases. Established as part of the St. Jude International Outreach Program, the Cure4Kids site provides crucial tools to doctors and nurses around the world.
Childhood Cancer -- Diseases
Information portal on malignant diseases and diseases of the blood in children and young adultsfor children, young adults, families, students, physicians, scientists, other health professionals, the public and all those who are affected or interested
United Kingdom
Cancer Research UK
Cancer research UK
The 'children's cancers' section - questions and answers- has information about some types of childhood cancers and their treatment.
A source for data on incidence and survival of children and adolescents with cancer
United States of America
Cancer Oncology group
The website provides an overview of the most common types of childhood cancer.
Psychological Aspects
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur psychologische Onkologie e.V.
Dapo e.V.
Interdisciplinary Consortium of specialist's who are involved in the treatment of patients with cancer.Krebsinformationsdienst
Links to regional support groups in Germany
Childhood Parents Group International
International Confederation of Cancer Childhood Parents Organisation
The aim is to share information and experience in order to improve access to the best possible care for children with cancer everywhere in the world. It is an international network through which its member parent organizations may share information to build better links between parents and health care professionalsOutlook -- Life beyond childhood cancer
The Outlook Web Site was developed in order to provide an innovative and unique resource that addresses the issues of childhood cancer survivors, provides information and support to families and professionals and to build a bridge of support between current patients and survivors.Paediatric Oncology Resource Centre
Paediatric Oncology Resource Centre
This resource centre was created by and for people who know young people who are recovering from cancer. Most of the contributors to this site are members of the ACOR paediatric cancer mailing lists, especially ped-onc, ped-onc-survivors, and ALL-kids.Families of Children with Cancer Organization
Families of Children with Cancer Organization
"Families of Children with Cancer Organization" is run by volunteers who are devoted to education, support, and advocacy for families living with the effects of childhood cancer. They serve families who are in treatment, off treatment, or bereaved.
Kinderkrebshilfe Osterreich
Kinderkrebshilfe Osterreich
The "Kinderkrebshilfe Osterreich"represents the interests of children with cancer and their relatives and exerts itself for her needs in the whole sphere. The Organisation provides straight information, promotes, supports and stimulates projects which correspond to these needs.
Czech Republic
Haematology and Oncology Children Patient's Parents and Friends Association
Sdruzeni Sance
Is a voluntary organization, associating its individual members without making difference of their nationality, religion, occupation or social status, and legal entity that have the desire to provide active help to haematology and oncology children patients.
Familier Med Kraeftramte Boern
No English webpage available.
SYLVANA is a Finnish organization that brings together families of children with cancer as well as health care professionals. It operates nationwide, and has about 1,700 members in different parts of Finland.
L'Union Nationale des Associations de Parents d'Enfants Cancéreux ou Leucémiques
Parent`s organisation in France. Website in french language.L'Envol
Organization that cares about children have chronic illnesses that often confine and limit them for the most part, in an attentive (the hospital), and warm (their families) world. Twelve days spent at the Echouboulains and this adventure lets them live with their illness with more courage, by building confidence in their bodies, their future and towards others.
Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung
The endowment has the purpose to improve outcome, treatment and the quality of life of children suffering from cancer. The endowment provides Clarification, consultation and information, advice and financial help if necessary.
Greek Parents Association of Children with cancer
Only Email address that links to the responsible of the Greek parents group that exists for 24 years.Greek Parents Association of Children with cancer
No English webpage available
Europai Tamogatasi
Egyesulet A Rakos Gyermekekert
The objectives of the page are advanced training measures and arrangements of information for the improvement of the fight against cancer, for cancer research.
Styrktarfélag Krabbameinssjukra Barna
SKB provides support, information and advocacy to families af children with cancer, survivors of childhood cancer and the professionals who work with them.
CanTeen Ireland
CanTeen Ireland
CanTeen Ireland is a nation-wide support group for young people who have or have had cancer"The Barretstown Gang Camp
The Barretstown Gang Camp
Barretstown provides challenging activity-based programmes for children affected by cancer and other serious illness and their familiesCancer Plus
Cancer Plus (Part of Irish cancer society) Cancer Plus is a support group for the parents of a child who has been diagnosed with cancer. All members of Cancer Plus have had children diagnosed with cancer. Who better to provide support, guidance and reassurance to other parents about what to expect!
Comitato Maria Letizia Verga
Comitato Maria Letizia Verga
No English webpage availableAssociazione Bianca Garavvaglia
Associazione Bianca Garavaglia
No English webpage available
Children's Cancer Association of Japan
Children's Cancer Association of Japan (CCAJ) is the only non-profit organization in Japan to support children with cancer and their families. CCAJ is involved in many activities to offer emotional and financial support.Asian Children's Care League
ACCL is committed to work with the society, professionals, and patients / survivors as well as their families to improve public awareness and services for Asian children in need
Een Häerz fir kriibskrank Kanner
Een Häerz
fir kriibskrank Kanner
Homepage of the parent's imitative of Luxembourg. Currently under construction but provides information and addressee of the responsible.
Vereniging ,Ouders, Kinderen en Kanker
The VOKKprovides support, information and advocacy for parents and families. Parents, grandparents and guardians of (cured and deceased) children with cancer, siblings and long term survivors of childhood cancer can become members of VOKK. Professionals and others can become associate members.
Stotteforeningen for Kerftsyke Barn
Consortium of parent's volunteers giving advice, help and information for patients and their families in Norway. Links to regional volunteers can be found.
Associaçao Acreditar
The association provides advice and help for patients with cancer and their families in Portugal. Links and contacts to responsible people in Portugal
Association P.A.V.E.L.
PAVEL approaches the issue of children with cancer
Federacion Espanola de Padres del Ninos con Cancer
Information about childhood cancer and advice for patients and families.Links to regional supporting groups in Spain. Website in Spanish Language available only.
The association with regional supporting groups providesinformation, advice and help to patients and their families. General information about childhood cancer can also be found.
Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz
Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz
For 20 years the "Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz" exerts themselves for the interests and needs of children suffering from cancer and their families in Switzerland. With the information exchange and exchange of experience among "like-minded people" they perform an important contribution to the recovery and to the alleviation of the situation of children with cancer.
Foundation of children with Leucaemia
LOSEV is a non-profit NGO, mainly aiming to provide educational and emotional supports, financial assistance and health services for the children who have cancer.
Mercy Mission "Overcoming"
Mercy Mission "Overcoming"
The childhood parents group in the Ukraine provides information, help and advice for children with cancer and their families.
United Kingdom
National Alliance of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations
Organisations run by parents with common aims of working together to support children with cancer. One of its aims is to offer support and information to families who are not members of a support group and who may be experiencing difficulties associated with having a child undergoing cancer treatment.- United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group
- CLIC Sargent
UK's leading children's cancer charity. CLIC Sargent offers children with cancer all round care and support during treatment, in hospital, at home and after treatment.
United States
Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation
Candlelighters America
Candlelighters Canada
The mission is to provide information and awareness for children and adolescents with cancer and their families, to advocate for their needs, and to support research so that every child can live a long and healthy life.National cancer childhood foundation
Cure search
Cure Search unites the world's largest childhood cancer research organization, the Children's Oncology Group, and the National Childhood Cancer Foundation through a mission to cure childhood cancer. Research is the key to the cure.Children's Oncology Camping Association International
Children's Oncology Camping Association International
Children's Oncology Camping Association International is an international assembly of people providing camping programs for children with cancer. Currently this association is only working in the United States and Canada.Onkokids
German forum for children with cancer, their families and friendsOncochat
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a virtual meeting place where people from all over the world can meet and talk. Oncochat is dedicated to patients with cancer, their relatives and friends.Cancer Survivors
Cancer Survivors
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a virtual meeting place where people from all over the world can meet and talk. Cancer Survivors is a forum/ chat where patients and families can exchange information, their thoughts and fears.